Month: January 2020

The NDA Should Not Do a SADA: MYD Demands Probe into Stolen Bikes Allegations.


The Movement for Youth Development ( MYD) calls for probe into the allegations of stolen tricycles at the Northern Development Authority and further clarification on the status of consignments.

The former CEO of the NDA, Dr Abdel-Majeed Haroun, in a report on the distribution of the tricycles by the NDA to the Divisional Commander, Lamashegu Circuit, revealed that 400 motorcycles were illegally evacuated from the NDA’s warehouse.
This revelation was also written as a formal complaint to the Regional Minister by the sacked Chief Executive Officer.

These tricycles form part of the assets that were inherited during tee transformation of the authority from SADA to NDA. The authority had made public announcements on its decision to sell the tricycles in order to recoup some monies and prevent further damage to the assets procured by SADA.


Procurement of 5000 tricycles by the former administration has been reviewed by the NDA to have cost a financial loss of about 96% of some $9.5 million to the state. This is a loss in over $8m as reported by the NDA.

At this juncture, amidst the revelations and allegations made by the former CEO in his letter, as well as to prevent further financial loss to the state, the Movement for Youth Development appropriately demands ;

1. Further probe into the allegations by the Criminal Investigations Department of the Police

2. A statement on the status of the tricycles, clarification on the records of consignments, and official response from the new CEO, Dr Alhassan Anamzoya, of the Northern Development Authority.

The affairs of defunct Savanah Accelerated Development Authority ( SADA) has caused irreparable financial loss to the state.

The MYD is of the strong view that the NDA has a constitutional mandate to ensure that such levels of corruption are not repeated to the detriment of the region’s development and the development of the country as a whole. The CEO of the NDA has a duty to supervise the activities of the authority and ensure the protection of the public purse.

The NDA should not repeat the ills and failure of SADA.